"Books are a uniquely portable magic."
Stephen King
Book Rental
Borrow, read and return to borrow and read another. BookMagic offers books on rent for all age groups and genres. Subscribe for a period and read as many books you can.
Art Classes
The art programme aims to bring out an artistic & expression of creativity potential in children. Creativity is a way of outlet for the children to bring their imagination to life and develop confidence to be what they ought to be.
Frequency - Two classes per week
Stories for kids create an empathy & consciousness; stimulates brain functioning and lays foundation & groundwork to be social, able to communicate and interpersonal skills.
Frequency - Alternate Saturday
Science Club
Progammes in sciences make children build a scientific bend of mind and understand principles of existence; supplements the work of classroom and laboratory, its practical aspects..
Frequency - Every Sunday
Language Development
Reading is the primary tool to build one's language. The English language development programme includes reading club, phonics-based reading, Vocab-Grammar growth.
Meeting Space
BookMagic offers a conference room for conducting seminars and training programs with great ambiance at affordable price.